Mon, Feb 10, 2025
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EZvue Color Monthly Contact Lens

EZvue 38% Color Monthly Contact Lens



Sandwich structure
Sandwich structure, which the pigments are embeddded between HEMA. There's no direct contact with cornea or eyelid, offering greater enhanced comfort and safty to the wearers.




Natural colors
I-SEE VISION's Color Lenses, a blend of natural colors, create and enhance a truly natural look.

Ultra thin design
Combining with our core technique "Cast Molding Process" with sandwich design, the texture becomes thinner and smoother, creates "no feel" of the lens and easy to fit the eyeballs.

Moisture properties
The moisture properties retain remarkable water content on the eye, creating the most comfort and health of corneal surface.




Water Content



Power Range






0.00~-6.00 in 0.25D Steps
-6.50~-10.00 in 0.50D Steps


1 tone color lenses

diamond-black diamond-brown pearl-balck pearl-brown shine-black shine-brown sparckel-black sparckel-brown spot-black spot-brown staine-glass-black staine-glassbrown tornado-black tornado-brown





2 tone color lense

feather blue feather gray feather green feather hazel feather violet firework blue firework gray firework green firework hazel firework violet jewelry blue jewelry gray jewelry green jewelry hazel jewelry violet lace blue lace gray lace green lace hazel lace violet rape blue rape gray rape hazel rape violet ripple green tornado blue tornado gray tornado green tornado hazel tornado violet

3 tone coler lenses

camellia-blue camellia-green camellia-hazelt camellia-violet snow-blue snow-gray snow-green snow-hazel snow-violet tornado-blue tornado-gray tornado-green tornado-hazel tornado-violet Untitled-1















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No.834, Between Khosh and Ghasroldasht St.,Azarbayejan Ave.,Tehran-Iran
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+98 21 668 94 649-50
+98 21 668 98 731


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