Tue, Oct 22, 2024
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Kerasoft Moroccova fitting APP

We hope you found our first edition interesting and useful. We thank you all for your feedback and we look forward to hearing from you again this month.
Our new KeraSoft IC MoRoCCo VA fitting app is the focus of this edition. This is a useful tool in assisting optical professionals with fitting KeraSoft IC lenses.
By reading on and downloading the fitting app you can see for yourself just how useful this could be to you and your fitters.
There is a possibility in the future of translating the fitting app. If you are interested in this option, please let me know.

The fitting app is:

  • A useful tool for any optometrist to fit KeraSoft IC lenses effectively and efficiently.·
  • Based on the successful MoRoCCo VA method of fitting KeraSoft IC, leading the user through each stage of on-eye fitting.
  • Is designed to assist with fitting lenses from the 8 lens KeraSoft IC Fitting Set.

Will allow your fitters to directly input, via interactive screens, exactly what is observed during the fitting assessment. From this, an indication is given on the fit (optimal or sub-optimal) and advice is given on what steps to take next.

Contact Us

No.834, Between Khosh and Ghasroldasht St.,Azarbayejan Ave.,Tehran-Iran
Mail Us : m-hanjani@apadana.com
+98 21 668 94 649-50
+98 21 668 98 731


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